Rock and Stones Raised 132,000 KSH for KCWA!

We are extremely excited to have raised such a HUGE amount for the incredible Kuruwitu Conservation and Welfare Association (KCWA) Conservation Project.
KWCA was founded in 2003. The purpose of establishing the association was primarily to protect and preserve the marine environment, as well as, to improve the livelihoods of the local community who depend upon it for their existence. The positive impact of the KCWA conservation efforts can clearly be seen by anyone snorkelling in Kuruwitu marine sanctuary. The biodiversity and quantity of marine life is exceptional, and people come from all over to see what the KCWA has achieved. With very humble resources, the KCWA has turned what was a wet desert with no fish into a thriving and healthy marine ecosystem. Independent scientific research has shown that the fish stocks have gone up by over 500% since the protected area was established. As well as improved fish catches, the fishermen have seen that they can improve their livelihoods by becoming marine scouts, snorkelling guides or fulfilling other roles within the KCWA.

The money raised will go towards purchasing new sewing machines and helping to expand their existing tailoring business.
Earlier this year we raised 103,000 Ksh for the Milgis Trust and we cannot wait to share with you who we will be supporting next...
Don't forget every time you purchase a pair of Rock and Stones Shorts or Zzz Pants you will be #GivingBack. 5% of sales are donated to conservation projects throughout Kenya.