World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day
Saturday, March 3rd
Big Cats Predators Under Threat
This special day is to raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora.
Each year there is a different focus.
In 2015 it was ‘Time to get serious about wildlife crime’
2016 ‘The future of wildlife is in our hands’
2017 ‘Listen to the young voices’
2018 this year, World Wildlife Day focuses on:
‘The Big Cats - Predators Under Threat’.
The Big Cats are such a powerful icon for the whole of our wild world that the CITES secretariat has co-organised the International Big Cats Film Festival along with The Jackson Wildlife Film festival. The winners will be announced on March 2nd and we can look forward to being able to watch the winning entry in the near future.
Our Big Cats ...
... the lion, cheetah, leopard, jaguar, tiger, snow leopard and cougar.
The key to the success of natural ecosystems in a large part of the world.

The Lion - by far the most social of the Big Cats
The Leopard
Solitary and tree loving
The fastest of the Big Cats - The Cheetah
The Jaguar of South America
The Snow Leopard - very much at home in the coldest of environments
The Cougar of North & South America
And finally - the largest of them all
The Tiger

Deborah Boyd-Moss
On behalf of